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Thursday, October 24, 2013

useful unix one liners for bioinformatics

I have been using ubuntu 12.04LTS for one year, and I really love it and do not look back at windows at all.  Currently, I have dual booting system for linux and windows, but now I barely fire the windows.

The power of Linux comes from, at least in one aspect, its command line. As I have stated before, in  the field of bioinformatics, we spend a lot of time in reformatting, cleaning, extracting the data. Linux commands become very handy in these routine jobs.
several good resources:
1. From the author of BWA samtools Heng Li
2. Stephen Turner from UVA
4. UT at Austin's+list+of+linux+one-liners very good resource for NGS analysis.

Most commonly used ones for me are:
head, tail, wc, tr, sort, uniq, cat, cut, paste, join, grep(or the more powerful ack), find, xargs, comm, diff, awk, sed etc

Everyday, I learn new stuffs.
yesterday, from twitter, I learned this one:  
Compare 2 arbitrary columns of different files: paste <(cut -f2 file1.txt) <(cut -f7 file2.txt) | awk '{if ($1 != $2) { print "do stuff"} }'

some others:
let's say you have a fasta file contain multiple sequences, and you want to split it to many files with one record per file.

tommy@tommy-ThinkPad-T420:~$ cat contig 

tommy@tommy-ThinkPad-T420:~$ cat contig | awk  '/^>/{close("out"n);n++}{print > "out"n}'
tommy@tommy-ThinkPad-T420:~$ ls out*
out1  out2  out3
tommy@tommy-ThinkPad-T420:~$ cat out1
tommy@tommy-ThinkPad-T420:~$ cat out2
tommy@tommy-ThinkPad-T420:~$ cat out3

print hidden characters ( cat -v is not what I want)
tommy@tommy-ThinkPad-T420:~$ sed -n l contig

it can also print out the tabs as \t

I have a bed file that contains the Transcription start sites information, some genes have multiple records because they have isoforms, but I only want to use the unique TSSs for my downstream analysis. of course, you can do cut -f1-3 | sort | uniq, but I just show you another way to do it by awk

tommy@tommy-ThinkPad-T420:~$ head tss_-3kb_+3kb_hg19.txt 
chr1 66996824 67002824 NM_032291 +
chr1 50486626 50492626 NM_032785 -
chr1 33543713 33549713 NM_052998 +
chr1 8381389 8387389 NM_001080397 +
chr1 25068759 25074759 NM_013943 +
chr1 16764166 16770166 NM_018090 +
chr1 16764166 16770166 NM_001145278 +
chr1 16764166 16770166 NM_001145277 +
chr1 92368559 92374559 NM_001195684 -
chr1 92348836 92354836 NM_001195683 -

you can see a record with identical first three columns, but with three different transcript ids. To get only the first occurrence of the TSS

tommy@tommy-ThinkPad-T420:~$ head tss_-3kb_+3kb_hg19.txt | awk '!a[$1,$2,$3]++'
chr1 66996824 67002824 NM_032291 +
chr1 50486626 50492626 NM_032785 -
chr1 33543713 33549713 NM_052998 +
chr1 8381389 8387389 NM_001080397 +
chr1 25068759 25074759 NM_013943 +
chr1 16764166 16770166 NM_018090 +
chr1 92368559 92374559 NM_001195684 -
chr1 92348836 92354836 NM_001195683 -

That just gives you a flavour of how powerful command lines are:)

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