a simple python script to handle fastq file.
fast fastq file parser, extract ~10,000 reads with their sequences and quality
from a fastq file (~70milion reads) based on names of the reads. HengLi in Princeton https://github.com/lh3/seqtk
has a wrapper for this kind of task.
the following code is from http://www.biostars.org/p/10353/
this script demonstrates the usage of set(hash-able), a data structure that is much faster than list
when you have two files, put the information from one file into a container, loop over the other file.
usage: cat file.fastq | python parse_fastq.py id_file.txt > selected.fastq
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
# get filename from parameter
idfile = sys.argv[1]
# load ids in a set with a set comprehension
ids = set( x.strip() for x in open(idfile) )
# read the fastq file
handle = sys.stdin
while ids:
#parse fastq
idline = handle.readline()
seq = handle.readline()
spacer = handle.readline()
quals = handle.readline()
id_name = idline[:-1] # except the newline \n
if id_name in ids:
#print fastq
sys.stdout.write( '%s%s%s%s%' % ( idline, seq, spacer,\ quals) )
see link here https://github.com/lh3/seqtk

This blog by Tommy Tang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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