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This blog by Tommy Tang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Monday, May 22, 2017

when NAs are not NAs

Using TCGAbiolinks, I downloaded RNAseq data for LUAD and LUSC

# query_rna_LUAD.hg38 <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-LUAD", data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
#                   data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification", 
#                   workflow.type = "HTSeq - Counts")
# query_rna_LUSC.hg38 <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-LUSC", data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
#                   data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification", 
#                   workflow.type = "HTSeq - Counts")
# GDCdownload(query_rna_LUAD.hg38, method = "client")
# GDCdownload(query_rna_LUSC.hg38, method = "client")
# LUAD_rna_data <- GDCprepare(query_rna_LUAD.hg38)
# LUSC_rna_data <- GDCprepare(query_rna_LUSC.hg38)

# I have saved both R objects into disk
# a RangedSummarizedExperiment object
## class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 57035 551 
## metadata(0):
## assays(1): HTSeq - Counts
## rownames(57035): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ...
##   ENSG00000281912 ENSG00000281920
## rowData names(3): ensembl_gene_id external_gene_name
##   original_ensembl_gene_id
## colnames(551): TCGA-77-8009-01A-11R-2187-07
##   TCGA-34-5239-01A-21R-1820-07 ... TCGA-NK-A7XE-01A-12R-A405-07
##   TCGA-43-6773-11A-01R-1949-07
## colData names(69): patient barcode ...
##   subtype_Homozygous.Deletions subtype_Expression.Subtype
The problem is with the meta data
LUSC_coldata<- colData(LUSC_rna_data)
LUAD_coldata<- colData(LUAD_rna_data)

we will see the different representations of NAs

table(LUAD_coldata$subtype_Smoking.Status, useNA = "ifany")
##      Current reformed smoker for > 15 years 
##                                          78 
## Current reformed smoker for < or = 15 years 
##                                          77 
##                              Current smoker 
##                                          47 
##                         Lifelong Non-smoker 
##                                          32 
##                             [Not Available] 
##                                          11 
##                                        <NA> 
##                                         349
table(LUSC_coldata$subtype_Smoking.Status, useNA = "ifany")
##      Current reformed smoker for > 15 years 
##                                          51 
## Current reformed smoker for < or = 15 years 
##                                          87 
##                              Current smoker 
##                                          28 
##                         Lifelong Non-smoker 
##                                           7 
##                                         N/A 
##                                           6 
##                                        <NA> 
##                                         372
we see NAs are represented either as real <NA>[Not Avaiable] or N/A. The first thing to do is to tidy the metadata changing all NAs to <NA>:
I will use stringr from the tidyverse packages.
# one needs to \\ to escape [ and ]
str_replace(LUAD_coldata$subtype_Smoking.Status, "\\[Not Available\\]", NA)
## Error: `replacement` must be a character vector
This does not quite work. stringr enforces that the replacement is the same type as a character. instead:
str_replace(LUAD_coldata$subtype_Smoking.Status, "\\[Not Available\\]", NA_character_) %>% table(useNA = "ifany")
## .
## Current reformed smoker for < or = 15 years 
##                                          77 
##      Current reformed smoker for > 15 years 
##                                          78 
##                              Current smoker 
##                                          47 
##                         Lifelong Non-smoker 
##                                          32 
##                                        <NA> 
##                                         360
str_replace(LUSC_coldata$subtype_Smoking.Status, "N/A", NA_character_) %>% table(useNA = "ifany")
## .
## Current reformed smoker for < or = 15 years 
##                                          87 
##      Current reformed smoker for > 15 years 
##                                          51 
##                              Current smoker 
##                                          28 
##                         Lifelong Non-smoker 
##                                           7 
##                                        <NA> 
##                                         378
to test if a vector contains any NAs:
# this is invalid
# LUAD_coldata$subtype_Smoking.Status == NA, instead, use$subtype_Smoking.Status) %>% table()
## .
##   245   349
The traditional way to change a string to NA is:
myvector<- c("NA", "NA", "a", "b", "c", NA)
## [1] "NA" "NA" "a"  "b"  "c"  NA
myvector[myvector =="NA"]<- NA
## [1] NA  NA  "a" "b" "c" NA


  1. Data are messy, even if the data are packaged from a big project such as TCGA.
  2. Different representation of NA could be a devil in your data, tidy it to R’s representation is needed.
  3. stringr is a great tool in your belt for tidying data.

1 comment:

  1. Currently I use this package to download TCGA data too. It's very convenient.
